What's New

Bishop Francis I. Malone of the Diocese of Shreveport ordained Brother Raban...
The annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection will be held Nov. 30...
The 2024 Women's Religious Discernment Retreat in Rogers is a free event...

Religious Order Directory of Arkansas

En Español

Religious orders are listed in alphabetical order. Click on an order to find contact information for that community and its members. This directory is maintained by the diocesan minister to religious. If you have any questions or need to make a correction, please contact usFor information about other organizations in Arkansas, see Associations of the Faithful or Diocesan Boards and Organizations. | Religious Order Calendar in Arkansas

Men Religious

Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis (CFP)
Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans) CSSp
Congregation of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood (CPPS)
Indian Missionary Society (IMS)
Marylake Monastery •+
Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP)
Society of the Divine Word (SVD)
Subiaco Abbey •+


Women Religious

Carmel of St. Teresa of Jesus •+
Catholic Teachers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MCSC)
Daughters of Charity (DC)
Daughters of Divine Love (DDL)
Daughters of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary (FMSR)
Dominican Sisters (OP)
Dominican Sisters of Tam Hiêp, Vietnam (OP)
Holy Angels Convent •+
Missionary Carmelites of St. Teresa (CMST)
Missionary Catechists of the Poor (MCP)
Missionaries of Charity, Calcutta (MC)
Religious Sisters of Mercy (RSM)
St. Scholastica Monastery •+


Other Forms of Consecrated Life

Diocesan Hermits
Consecrated Virgins
Little Portion Hermitage


Additional Resources

Associations of the Faithful
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Diocesan Prayer for Vocations
How to Become a Religious Brother or Sister
Minister to Religious
Ministry to Ministers
Where do Religious Serve in Arkansas?


What's New

Bishop Francis I. Malone of the Diocese of Shreveport ordained Brother Raban...
The annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection will be held Nov. 30...
The 2024 Women's Religious Discernment Retreat in Rogers is a free event...