Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
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The following offers the latest information about events and activities happening in the Diocese of Little Rock.
The Catholic Charities Summer Institute (C²SI) will be held July 8-12 at St. John Catholic Center in Little Rock. This event is open to rising high school freshmen through recent high school graduates who seek to not only learn about the Church's social teachings but to put them into action. During the five-day summer program youth will "Investigate God’s Word in Life" as they learn about poverty, homelessness, the elderly, refugees, human trafficking, immigration issues, the protection of the unborn and care for God’s creation through classroom work and hands-on ... More
The next Come and See Priesthood Discernment Retreat will be held Saturday, June 1 at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers. Rooted in prayer and to include hiking, talks, discussion and Mass, this retreat aims to provide a living encounter with Christ to explore diocesan priesthood. It is open to single men ages 16 and older. The retreat will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. There is no cost to attend. Meals and snacks will be provided. Transportation can be arranged if needed. Activities will be offered in English and Spanish. Mail the registration form ... More
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will ordain Deacon Cody Eveld to the priesthood at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 25 at Christ the King Church in Little Rock instead of the Cathedral of St. Andrew as originally planned. A reception will follow the Mass in the Family Life Center. All are invited to attend. If unable to attend, watch the ordination live on the Diocese of Little Rock YouTube channel. The night before, on Friday, May 24, a holy hour to pray for Eveld and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Christ the King Church. ... More
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will celebrate the diaconate ordination Mass of Joel Brackett at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 15 at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers. Being ordained a transitional deacon is a major step toward priestly ordination. A reception will follow in the parish hall. All are invited to attend. If unable to attend, watch the event live on the parish's Facebook page. Guests are welcome to come early to pray for Brackett at 4 p.m. During this time of eucharistic adoration and vespers, prayers will be offered for him and an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. ... More
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor is installing seven Diocese of Little Rock seminarians as candidates, lectors and acolytes as part of their journey toward priesthood during special Masses in May at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Little Rock. All are invited to attend. The bishop celebrated the Admission to Candidacy Mass Saturday, May 4 at 4:30 p.m. Phillip Necessary, of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers, and Samuel Stengel, of St. Joseph Church in Paris, demonstrated the necessary qualifications for ordination and were installed as candidates during the Mass. ... More
In popular Catholic tradition, Mary's coronation in heaven is often reenacted during the month of Mary in May crownings. Typically children, often those who recently received their first holy Communion, carry roses and place them at the feet of a statue of Mary while placing a crown of roses on top of Mary's head. There are also numerous songs, poetry, artworks and prayers depicting Mary's queenship. Many Catholic parishes and schools in Arkansas observe this tradition in the first week of May. Contact a school or parish directly to see if this event is being held in your area. ... More
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor announced the following pastoral appointments and corrections, April 19, 2024, for the Diocese of Little Rock. Effective May 1: Rev. Mauricio Carrasco, appointed director of spiritual formation for the House of Formation in Little Rock (not prefect, as previously announced); Rev. Daniel Velasco, relieved of the office of director of spiritual formation of the House of Formation. He remains pastor of Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church in Little Rock and director of the diocesan School of Spiritual Direction; Rev. Jeff Hebert, remains prefect of the House of ... More
Father Thomas Keller, the oldest and longest-serving diocesan priest, died April 13. He was 91. A Little Rock native, Father Keller was the youngest of seven children born Jan. 13, 1933, to Walter and Isabelle Keller. He graduated from Catholic High School in Little Rock in 1950 and attended Villanova University in Pennsylvania before enrolling in St. John Home Mission Seminary. Bishop Albert Fletcher ordained Father Keller to the priesthood May 15, 1958. Father Keller served parishes in Pine Bluff, De Queen, Fayetteville, Texarkana, Searcy, Newport, Mena, Jonesboro ... More