A Treasury of Arkansas Writers Discussing the Catholic Faith
Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
Explore this treasury of Arkansas writers discussing the Catholic faith on a wide variety of topics. Find what you're looking for by browsing the whole list or search by keyword or author. All articles have been reviewed for theological accuracy. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
As faithful Catholics, we must strive to be ‘co-workers in the truth’ Father Jerome Kodell, OSB The shortest book in the New Testament and, in fact, the whole Bible is the Third Letter of John. It is not really a book but a letter of about 200 words. |
Prayer, even short shout-outs, brings us closer to the presence of God Lou Ann Gieringer For years I have carried a small prayer card in my Bible. I’ve read it many times and loved it each time I read it. I want to share it with you. It is called “In Your Presence” by Luther Cross: “Lord, may I live on tiptoe expecting blessings in child-like wonder. |
Our Lady of Guadalupe for all Catholics, no matter country of origin Father Jason Tyler In parishes with a significant population of Mexican immigrants, Dec. 12 will be celebrated as a major feast. In addition to Mass, there may be food, processions and other devotional practices. |
To evangelize properly, one needs to be relatable to their audience Paula Standridge Isaiah 50:4 states, “The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue, that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.” One of the most important aspects or tools of evangelization is relatability — the ability to relate or connect with someone. |
St. Benedict, father of western monasticism, also miracle worker Sister M. Glorea Knaggs, OSB As a member of the Diocese of Little Rock, you may be fairly well acquainted with St. Benedict, a patron saint of Europe and patron of three religious communities in Arkansas — Holy Angels Convent in Jonesboro, St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith and Subiaco Abbey. |
Good intentions: Did you decide how to start your day this morning? Judy Hoelzeman When you wake up in the morning, do you say with gusto: “Good morning, God!” Or do you mumble: “Good God, it’s morning.” You had probably seen this before and laughed as I did. It is humorous. |
Used right, time, talent and treasure can help Church Kelli Nugent Our God is the awesome and generous God who created us out of love and gives us everything we have, commencing with the gift of life itself. |
Invitation to Communion inspired by a Roman soldier’s faith Betsy Wiederkehr Huss Have you ever wondered in the Mass where our response to the “Invitation to Communion” in the Roman Missal comes from? Would you be surprised to find out a Roman military officer called a centurion spoke the words? |
Our vocation as Catholics is always to pursue the truth despite discomfort Katie Karp Following the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, I have watched as friends and acquaintances take to the internet to express their feelings of injustice. As a Catholic, I rejoice at this victory for human dignity, but I am not blind to the division it causes. |
Car accident, emergency room trip can force us to focus on blessings Deacon Mike Cumnock I write this while recuperating from a serious motor vehicle accident. I spent many years doing psychotherapy as a Gestalt therapist. |