Prayer Request

SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 25, 2015

My left hand was injured in 2/2014 at work. I hired an attorney to negotiate with my employer's insurance company after being cutoff twice for physical hand therapy. Please pray for the attorney to negotiate the best possible outcome. If physical therapy is reinstated, please pray I will get an appointment with a hand therapist more interested in healing than money from insurance company. If physical therapy is reinstated, I only would like full range of motion on my dominant hand left hand restored. I am not interested in money. Please pray against discrimination. I did not abuse medical resources or take any time off for my injury. Please pray for Ryan for salvation, MLZ, his mother for rededication or salvation. MLZ, Ryan's mother does not know what to do with her son. MLZ did not teach her children about God despite MLZ's church upbringing. MLZ's spiritual condition is unknown. Ryan attended Catholic school, paid for by Ryan's deceased grandmother. Ryan has epilepic seizures uncontrolled by medication. Ryan attended three years of college, one semester of vocational school, but fails to complete due to uncontroled epilepic seizures. Ryan lives at home, depends on his mother for rides. Ryan's doctors are attempting to wean Ryan's current medication for a different one. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors treating Ryan.